If you’re trying to conceive, you may have already been in contact with your doctor. While working with a doctor is an important and necessary step for many couples TTC, it can also be a nerve wracking one.
It’s no secret that doctors offices aren’t always the most welcoming places and talking to your doctor can be intimidating. But, the better prepared you go in, the better you can set yourself up for success in the future. Keep reading for some tips on talking to your fertility doctor with confidence!
Get to Know Your Body
One thing we say to our community members all the time is that your doctor is the expert in medicine, but you are the expert in you. Nobody knows your body or your needs better than you!
Now, at a young age, we’re not taught a whole lot about how our cycle and hormones work — especially when it comes to trying to conceive. Before your appointment, we recommend taking some time to learn about your unique cycle and hormones (after all, everyone is different!).
This may look different for everyone, but in general we recommend tracking your cycle and your hormones with inexpensive, at-home hormone tests, like Proov. At-home hormone tests can help you identify any possible imbalances that could serve as barriers to conception.
Problems with ovulation are a common cause of infertility. The Proov Predict & Confirm kit can help you time intercourse around your 2 most fertile days and confirm high quality ovulation, meaning ovulation occurred and PdG (progesterone marker) levels remained elevated during the critical days after ovulation (i.e. the implantation window) to allow for a higher chance at pregnancy.
Once you have your test results in hand, you now have powerful data and information to bring to your doctor about your body so you can get personalized treatment, if needed.
Write it All Down
And we mean all of it! Every test result, question, feeling, and symptom. The more you can bring to your doctor, the better.
Real talk — doctors appointments can be stressful and maybe even a little intimidating. While we may have a bunch of questions we want to ask in our head, sometimes under the stress these questions can slip our mind. The last thing we want to happen is you to leave the appointment without getting all your questions answered!
We typically recommend writing down each and every question, test result, and symptom you may have. It may feel trivial now, but you’ll be grateful you have them easily available when the time comes. The notes app in your phone is a great place to keep this info!
Be Your Own Advocate
As we mentioned, nobody knows you better than you do. You have to be willing to stand up for yourself and your needs. If you’re not comfortable with the proposed treatment from your doctor, there’s no harm in asking for alternative options.
When my husband and I were trying to conceive, I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility and was told in-vitro fertilization (IVF) was my only option. After two rounds of IVF and 7 miscarriages, I was determined to find the cause of my infertility.
So, I used my PhD background in hormones and cycle tracking to determine I had a problem with ovulation. After ovulation, I wasn’t producing enough of the hormone progesterone to support implantation of a fertilized egg.
I took this information to my doctor and asked to be prescribed a progesterone supplement. He was reluctant, but I did not take no for an answer! Thanks to advocating for myself and that supplement, I now have my beautiful, 8-year-old daughter.
Don’t be Afraid to Try Something New
If you’ve tried all the previously mentioned tips and things still don’t feel quite right, there is no harm in switching things up. Sometimes, it’s just not the right fit.
Now, this doesn’t mean your doctor is bad or you’re not a good patient. Like any relationship, sometimes things just don’t work out.
Don’t be afraid to do your research or ask around to find another doctor. There are plenty of options out there so if something isn’t working for you, you can absolutely find a different solution.
Above all, you have the power to ensure you’re getting the best care possible. If you ever need support, you can find it in our private Facebook group full of patients and couples like yourself, and fertility experts.
With the right information and preparation, you can set yourself up for success on your fertility journey!
After her own personal battle with hormone imbalance leading to infertility and recurrent miscarriage, Amy founded Proov and invented the first and only FDA cleared PdG test to confirm ovulation quality from home. Now, Proov offers an array of at-home hormone tests, empowering others to unleash the power of their cycles and hormones so they can live better.