One in eight couples in the US has trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. Globally, an estimated 15% of reproductive aged couples are affected by infertility (Source: World Health Organization). For many of these, building a family is a long, complicated and expensive process. We created GoStork because we envision a world where anyone with a dream to start a family has access to an inclusive, trusted, transparent resource that supports their path to parenthood. We’re eager to build on this vision by pledging a percentage of our revenue to the 1 in 8.
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, established in 1974, is dedicated to ensuring that all people challenged in their family building journey reach resolution through being empowered by knowledge, supported by community, united by advocacy, and inspired to act.
Since our launch, we’ve followed RESOLVE’s important work in the fertility community and beyond and were inspired by their ongoing efforts and achievements. They provide much needed access to care, support, community and education, raise awareness, and advocate tirelessly for insurance coverage and legislation that improves access to all family building options.
Our pledge going forwards is not only to provide a free resource for intended parents to match with their fertility providers, but also to give back to the fertility community – by donating a percent of our revenue to RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association.
“We are honored to have GoStork invest in RESOLVE’s mission, which will help grow our access to care, support, advocacy, education and awareness programs so that all people can build the family of their dreams.”
Barb Collura, RESOLVE President/CEO
By connecting with your fertility provider through GoStork, you’re not only taking one step closer to growing your family, you’re also supporting this incredible organization that helps so many others build their families, nationwide.
In the years to come, and with your support, we look forward to helping many wonderful and deserving fertility patients and intended parents take their first steps in their journey to parenthood!
Looking for fertility providers? Find, compare and connect with 60 top surrogacy agencies, more than 10,000 egg donors from different egg donation agencies, and apply for fertility financing, all in one marketplace. Visit to start your search.